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Dave (1993)


To avoid a potentially explosive scandal when the U.S. President goes into a coma, an affable temp agency owner with an uncanny resemblance is put in his place.


I have a hankering for a feelgood comedy every so often and this one fits the bill perfectly.

The whole idea of a lookalike assuming the place of the president is of course silly, but it is after all, only a movie. Plus having the President of the US actually wanting to do good and make the world a better place is very refreshing in the dark timeline we seem to be living through at the moment.

The leads are on top form here and have a genuine onscreen chemistry. Kline does amazingly well being essentially two characters – often one impersonating the other. Weaver is nicely salty early in the film, but her transition to a more warm and caring sharing First Lady is nicely done and pretty seamless. However, I think Frank Langella steals the show as Bob Alexander, the manipulative and short-fused Chief of Staff. Let’s face it, he is exactly what we all think politicians are like behind closed doors.

In these more cynical times, I doubt this would have been made in its current form. It is too naive, too subtle. It would have been a painfully on-the-nose satire or god help us, an agonising Adam Sandler style fish out of water farce. Thankfully however, it is a brilliantly entertaining, rather understated comedy with a nice undertone of darkness. Dave would get my vote.

A sweater vest and tie out of ten

Hipster Ben 

A charming Kevin Kline playing his part fantastically as the stand in US president. Some strong supporting roles with Sigourney making a good first lady, who actually falls for Dave and his do good ways. Certainly far fetched in ideas but a heart warming and feel good film

Rating: 8/10


This was, unsurprisingly, my nomination. It’s one of my all-time favourites and is already the recipient of a highly favourable review at Red Parsley. I had actually watched it for what must be the billionth time shortly before we chose films for this round of FF but it’s never a hardship to watch what has become one of my ‘default films’ (if I can’t decide what to watch, I just watch this!). It might be a bit corny and depressingly unrealistic (in that our American friends will likely never get a president this nice) but it’s so full of memorable moments and irresistible charm that it really doesn’t matter. Kevin Kline is the star of the show, of course. He is superb as both President Mitchell and his naively optimistic lookalike Dave Kovic, but my focus was on Weaver for this viewing and she comes out brightly as well. She doesn’t get a huge amount to do but she has a big presence whenever she’s on screen as the bitter First Lady who so despises her sleazy husband but is gradually thawed by Dave’s exuberance, and the film wouldn’t be the same without her. I’m sure few love this film as much as me but I can honestly say I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t at least like it. Well, not until killjoy Chip here cast his ice-cold eyes of judgement over it, obviously…

Rating: 9/10

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The Cabin in the Woods (2012)


Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods.

Hipster Ben

Sigourney was in this film for about 4 minutes. I timed it.

It’s a modern horror film, with some original twists and plot line ideas. I guess. Not particularly any good though in my opinion, and I certainly can’t get back that time I spent watching it.

Rating: 5 choices how to die out of 10


Oops, almost didn’t post my Cabin in the Woods review. I guess it was as forgettable as the film was 😛

Bah! A horror film. I’ve never been the biggest fan of these, specially the teenies-go-off-partying-and-get-picked-off-one-by-one type. Which this one is, by the way. As you probably all knew to begin with since it was rather popular. I must admit having now seen it – it wasn’t quite what I had in mind. Well, the second half wasn’t anyway, but did that make it more enjoyable? No, not really. Some ridiculous story about sating the blood lust of an apocalyptic subterranean god just made the deaths even more meaningless than they already were and the many ‘creative’ and ‘humorous’ deaths in the chaos of the last act just made me roll my eyes more than anything else. Plus, as others have said, Sigourney is in the film for about two nanoseconds so it hardly counts as a Sigourney film to begin with. It was nice to see the always-splendid Richard Jenkins but there was little else of interest to me here. Just because a horror film remains popular years later, it still doesn’t mean I’ll enjoy it, apparently. Lesson learned…

Rating: 3/10


I find Joss Whedon’s dialogue a little tiring to be honest, every single character he writes spouts out quip after quip, like Robert Downey Junior on caffeine, with every line feeling like a carefully rehearsed one liner. In this though, it sort of made contextual sense and I actually began to enjoy it.

It was a decent twist on the hoary old spooky cabin in the woods trope. deconstructing it with some dark humour by mocking and yet enjoying all of the clichés we all know to death from a hundred classic slasher films. The cast was good, with some nice chemistry and I was surprised I didn’t actually hate any of them.

It was fine, perfectly entertaining without being a classic. Oh yeah Sigourney is in it. Blink and you miss her.

Wacky-baccy out of Ten.

Neptune King of the Sea

A Sigourney Weaver film by the most tenuous of threads she appears right at the end of the film and is in it that briefly it’s hard to see what she actually adds to the film! The film really surprised, me initially it feels like a cross between the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead 2 but as the film progresses it morphs into an amazing and original scifi-horror story, it honestly could have been a twilight zone episode. TBH none the the acting stands out to me its just all competeant everyone plays their part well and it serves a purpose, the twisting storyline is what impresses. Surpisingly thought provoking fun and unusual film.

Rating: 6/10

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Ghostbusters (1984)


Three former parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service.


I’m not totally sure how I feel about this film to be really honest. The horrifying reboot made my life worse than it had been beforehand just from seeing the trailer, but I even seem to have a slightly alarming lack of enthusiasm for the original. I mean, it’s obviously an 80’s great – an all time great, most likely – and I enjoyed it a lot when I was younger, but at the same time, I’ve not really felt any compulsion to watch it again for donkey’s years and hadn’t, in fact, right up until this round of Flicky Flicks. Seeing it again now, it’s still very enjoyable but I kind of feel the same way as before – I guess I can recognise its qualities without necessarily being a big fan. All the main players in it are great though, Sigourney included – we haven’t often seen her in such a seductive role and she’s pretty good at it – and it still holds up well today, from its comedy to the likeable characters, and of course that corking theme tune. The story was always a bit silly but who cares when it’s so much fun? …

Rating: 8/10


Viewing Beverage: Merlot

The first movie I ever owned on VHS, and has aged surprisingly well. Unlike the trash-fire of Ghostbusters 2, everyone is completely on form here. It’s just a joy.

8 focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasms out of 10


One of the first non-Disney cartoon films I watched at the cinema. I saw it at the Sheffield ABC (long since demolished and now a Premier Inn) for some kid’s birthday and I remember not enjoying it at all and wanting it to end so I could go home. It was too scary for my young mind (I’ve always been a wuss!), though oddly I played the Spectrum game of the movie for hours and the classic Ray Parker Jr theme was on heavy rotation from my Now 4 compilation album (record 2, side 2, track 1). Despite it being a classic movie of my generation, I seriously don’t think I’ve seen it more than a couple of times over the years. Maybe 11 year old me, has been blocking it out.

Well thank you Flicky Flicks, because it was certainly time to put that right and I really enjoyed it. The humour that went over my head as a wee boy hit home this time and I laughed many times. The cast work really well together, with Bill Murray stealing the show. Though Weaver is great as possessed cellist Dana Barrett (I certainly enjoyed her goth look!). It is sharply written, with great dialogue, brilliantly directed and the special effects that terrified me so much as a youngster may now be cheesy and so 80s, but have so much character and charm. I actually quite fancy watching the 2016 remake now.

Ecto-1 out of Ten

Hipster Ben

Ghostbusters was one of my favourite films as a kid. I still feel complete love for it. It’s just such a great ridiculous story, great comedy, great music, great style, great cast. It’s just great. It makes me happy that my Girlfriend’s 7yr old recommended it to me, “Ben, you need to see Ghostbusters. Not that new one”.

Rating: 8/10 (10 for nostalgia)

Posted in Reviews

Alien (1979)


After a space merchant vessel perceives an unknown transmission as a distress call, its landing on the source moon finds one of the crew attacked by a mysterious lifeform, and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.

Hipster Ben

I wasn’t as gripped as I remember being about alien, all these years later. Age can be a bitch. I felt it was shot well, and other than some dodgy rubber aliens and milk spluttering scenes, it’s still holds up pretty well. i’m a fan in terms of stage design and the lighting is great. I love R. Giger’s elements, just wished for more.

A rather slow paced film that built suspense well with some very tense scenes adding to the dread of not knowing what they were up against. Sigourney Weaver was excellent throughout.

Rating: 8/10


I think the reason I still imagine the future as clunky and a bit grubby is because of this and Star Wars.

Historically, I’m a little more familiar with the movie’s sequel ‘Aliens’ as the action movie premise of it is easier and dare I say it, more enjoyable to watch. Shame on me, as the original is still a cracking movie: a masterful blend of sci-fi and horror with a great pace.

The cast put in superb performances as the doomed crew of the Nostromo. They seem like real people, workmen sent to do a job that goes horribly wrong. Weaver, of course excels as Ripley, the role that would make her a star and her character to become one of cinema’s greatest female protagonists.

The titular xenomorph itself is used sparingly, and often only seen in the shadows, adding to the terror and of course nicely hiding the fact that it’s a bloke called Bolaji wearing a black rubber suit.

Tense, claustrophobic and very entertaining, this still made me jump and want to hide behind a cushion all over again. Sadly, seeing this so soon after Alien: Covenant, just shows how far the franchise with Ridley Scott at the helm has fallen.

Jones the Space Cat out of Ten.


I think I actually saw the second film in this series before the original, so it was perhaps a little less shocking to me when I did see it, but it’s still impossible to forget this film once you’ve seen it and it’s hard to not be nearly as captivated on repeat viewings, even though you know what’s coming. The scenes on the planet are still full of atmosphere and suspense (turn around, run away!), as are the later scenes on the Nostromo as the crew hunt the squawky little alien runt, and of course that infamous chest-burster scene will never fail to make me wince. I don’t actually like horror films generally, although being sci-fi/horror immediately makes it more appealing than normal horror, but it’s also so well made for its time. This is helped by a superb cast who all do a great job too.

Probably the best performance, and the one that is best remembered (John Hurt’s exploding chest notwithstanding) is of course Ms. Weaver’s – it was only her second film but served, understandably, as her breakout performance while also propelling Ripley onto various ‘tough chick’ lists for decades to come. What made it all the more impressive is that neither Weaver nor Ripley appear remotely tough, but both rose to meet the challenge of extraordinary circumstances. A great character and a classic film…

Rating: 9/10

Posted in Reviews

Season 4 – Sigourney Weaver

Season 4 is once again chosen by Pinbot.

“At the top of her game for four decades with plenty of iconic, interesting and diverse roles under her belt. It’s time for Flicky Flicks to celebrate the first lady of actresses. There’s loads to choose from, so let’s get Weaving!”

The nominations:

Randar: Dave

Neptune King of the Sea: Alien

Chip: The Cabin in the Woods

Hipster Ben: Imaginary Heroes

Grumpy McUnt: Ghostbusters

Pinbot: Heartbreakers