Posted in Club Admin

Season 6 – Sean Connery

We’re back!

Season 6 was selected by group consensus, as we’ve had a bit of a shake up of membership. Call it a soft reboot.

We’ve chosen the late great Sean Connery, in honour of his passing. We attempted to revive Flicky Flicks just after he passed, we’re trying again now.

The nominations:

Neptune King of the Sea: The Untouchables

Chip: The Name of the Rose

Grumpy McUnt: Medicine Man

Pinbot: The Anderson Tapes

Jase “Dave hasn’t given him a nickname yet” On: The Rock

Posted in Club Admin

Season 5 – Boxing Films

Season 5 was the choice of Randar.

“Partly because I like boxing movies much more than actual boxing itself, and partly to try and tempt the elusive Mr. B back into the fold, I’ve gone for the theme of boxing movies over many other appealing alternatives for this ’round’ of FF (tee hee!). Pick your contender and lets get reeaaaddyy to ruuummmmbbbllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ”

The nominations:

Randar: Creed

Neptune King of the Sea: The Fighter

Chip: The Power of One 

Hipster Ben: Southpaw

Grumpy McUnt: Girlfight

Pinbot: When We Were Kings

Posted in Reviews

Season 4 Winner

As we managed to drag another season out for much to long, we eventually put it out of it’s misery and ended it without everyone completing the viewings.

I blame Sigourney, and the general low quality of at least 2 of the movies in this selection.

4 Flicksters voted, and Dave was decided to be the winner. This was Randar’s nomination, and he gets to pick the topic for Season 5. Let’s hope it’s a good one.

Posted in Reviews

Imaginary Heroes (2004)


The Travis family façade is destroyed by an event incomprehensible to them — an event which will open locked doors and finally reveal the secrets that have haunted them for decades.

Hipster Ben

Heavy. This really left an impact on me after watching it, maybe some of the subject matter was close to home in some cases, or maybe it was just very well done. Great cast, great story links that made you judge certain characters before you even knew the full story. It was hard hitting and until the rest of you have seen it I wont say any more about the plot. For me, and not because I picked the film, the best of the bunch for Sigourney as an actress. The best film? whose to say.

Rating: 8/10


Much like Neptunes’s choice in the first round of Flicky Flicks, I hadn’t even heard of this one prior to him choosing it, and having read up on it a little before watching it, I wasn’t really sure if it sounded like my cup of tea. I even started it while not really paying complete attention to it if I’m honest, but the abrupt suicide of who seemed like being a main character quickly brought me around. I could certainly sympathise with his situation – depression can affect us all sooner or later, and not just those suffering from it either. The three leads put in great performances too, as their characters deal with the fallout in their own ways, and I genuinely had no idea which direction the story was going in so my attention certainly didn’t wane again. I think certain aspects of the film weren’t handled quite as well as they could’ve been but overall this one was a pleasant surprise. It’s not the kind of film I would watch over and over but I’m glad I’ve seen it once…

Rating: 7/10


I knew nothing about this going in and well, it wasn’t exactly the feel-good hit of the Summer! I usually watch movies for pure escapism and was worried that considering the themes explored in this movie, I would find it too uncomfortable. Thankfully there was some good dark humour and dialogue along the way which lightened the film’s overall tone. The cast works well with Weaver giving a great performance as the mother of this dysfunctional family and Daniels playing against type as a pretty unlikable guy.

It felt a little slow in places, but it kept my interest until the end. It was intelligent, surprisingly funny and more than a little scary.

More wacky-baccy out of ten

Posted in Reviews

Heartbreakers (2001)


A mother and daughter con team seduce and scam wealthy men.


This was my choice and I knew it was a gamble. I loved this movie back in the day, but I think that might have been due to Jennifer Love Hewitt’s tiny outfits.

They are certainly still impressive, but the the film hasn’t aged very well at all. It felt overlong and badly paced with moments of slow tedium and yet full-on over-the-top farcical comedy which just became annoying and so tiring.

Sigourney can certainly do comedy, but here she just felt like she was trying too hard and in fact all of the cast felt like caricatures rather than actual people. It was just missing piped in canned laughter and applause. I’m sure Jason Lee was wondering what on earth he was doing in it at all.

Like dial-up internet and Limp Bizkit, it is best left back in the early 2000s.

A personal fire device out of ten

Neptune King of the Sea

No offence but this is one of the most worst films I have seen on Flicky Flicks, it’s not even the fault of the actors. The script is lousy, it’s painful to watch (took me 3 attempts), and it just Ill-advised on every level. As I have said the actors try and whilst it seems promising to begin with by the time you get to halfway through you just want putting out of your misey. In short I never want to cross it’s fucking path again. Watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels instead if you’re after a con film, it’s in a different class.

Rating: Shite


This is one of those films that I’ve been aware of ever since it was released but I’ve never really had any desire to watch it at any stage. This is mainly due to its premise – mother seduces/marries rich guy, daughter tempts him into cheating, both share substantial divorce payout – which I suspected I would find somewhat annoying. As it turned out, I did, but not as much as I had expected. Ray Liotta is their first target and it works like a dream. Next up they decide to go for Gene Hackman chain-smoking tobacco tycoon and I almost found myself willing them on, mainly so I wouldn’t have to watch the shuffling, coughing oaf any more. I’m a big Hackman fan too, so I guess it’s a testament to his talents that he can make himself so unappealing on screen! Suffice to say, their plan goes astray when he kicks it unexpectedly, but also when bitchy Paige (Hewitt) falls for a guy for real – Jason Lee’s laid back bar owner who’s lucky enough to actually have an appealing character in a film otherwise devoid of them. Of course, Liotta also returns hoping to win back Weaver’s cold seductress, and he’s in full-on Henry Hill mode while he does it (his mannerisms, I mean, not his mob-related tomfoolery). All the stars put in good turns but, although Weaver was supposed to be the focus, the biggest highlight of the film for me was Jennifer Love Hewitt’s boobs. In my defence, this is the first film of hers I’ve seen (somehow) so I haven’t really been exposed to her busty jiggling before, and I can see the appeal! Overall though, the film is… okay I guess. Nothing special, not really memorable (except for aforementioned charms), but not as painful as I’d feared either…

Rating: 5/10

Hipster Ben

I’ve seen worse films in this genre, but a pretty Forgettable film. Written I imagine for date nights and Valentine’s Day cinema visits. Love tale for the ladies and cleavage to keep their partners content for the most part. Jennifer Love Hewitt’s character (I don’t even know what her name was), made her so unattractive, even in her many fantastic (at first), tiny dresses. Weaver should’ve held a flame thrower.

Rating: 5/10